![]() Honoring the Ancestors is a primary principle of Shamanism. When we honor our Ancestors, they help us. If we blame them, they haunt us. What do you think of when you think of your ancestors? Maybe you think of your grandparents and beyond. Often when I mention ancestors, people will explain to me that they didn’t know their grandparents. My response: “Oh, but they know you.” Consider that your ancestors are all that have walked before you. You could even include the trees and plants, the birds and animals, even dinosaurs, as your ancestors. Your Higher Self is an Ancestor, having lived many lives before this current one. As a Shamanic Practitioner, I can support individuals in ancestral healing, but practicing honoring the Ancestors is part of the individual work that heals generations forwards and backwards. No one else can do that part for you. Saying you honor the Ancestors is a start, but words can fall short without a practice of action. This is not a time to seek perfection. It is creating and implementing a practice that energetically supports you and the collective. I will help you get started. 3 Ways to Honor the Ancestors 1. Create an Ancestral Altar Choose a place in your home - on a shelf, a wall, a table - to display pictures or items of your familial ancestors, even if you didn’t personally know them. If you don’t have access to actual photographs, with a little research you may be able to find some pictures on the internet. If you know your great-great grandmother was a nurse, you could include an item to represent the nursing field in place of a photograph. Adding a battery-operated candle with a timer to be lit during the day is a nice touch to remind you to give thanks to those that contributed to your existence, simply be their own existence. 2. Practice Forgiveness Forgiveness is releasing another from the expectations placed on them. Not forgiving is like drinking poison, hoping another will get sick. It creates illness and dis-ease in the physical and emotional, and it can leave one feeling blocked spiritually. This is especially true for justified resentments. Practicing forgiveness is just that, a practice. It is not a one-time event. Maybe you have a family history of addiction or abuse, abandonment. Staying angry only keeps the cycle alive and strong, like gasoline to a fire. It can affect every aspect of your life. Actively practicing forgiveness is something covered in my mentoring programs, where I share a process to deal with resentments cyclically, rather than waiting until they have accumulated so much energy they are running your life. 3. Give Offerings Many indiginous cultures had practices of giving offerings to the Ancestors. There is a Hindu custom of feeding the crows as an act of sharing with the Ancestors. On an altar you could create a mandala or a crystal grid, or keep fresh flowers. Outside, bird feeders, birdbaths, planting flowers or a tree can all be intended as offerings for the Ancestors. Get creative. It really is all about intention. Start with these three simple approaches, and observe what shifts you experience. You may feel more supported, guided, empowered. You may find that you intuitively know the answer to something, as if someone else suggested it to you. If this approach resonates with you and you would like to learn more, let’s get you enrolled in my signature program, A Shamanic Approach to Modern Living! Click here to schedule a Complimentary Clarity Call, your chance to ask questions and be certain I am the one to guide you. I look forward to connecting with you! You are Safe. You are Supported. You are so Loved. I love you! Angela Faith
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One thing I have observed as a Sensitive Soul and working with other Sensitive Souls is that we tend to get to points in our lives where staying in what is familiar has become too uncomfortable. There becomes a deep feeling that something must change. Resisting this feeling creates inner conflict. I would often wonder what was wrong with me, and why I couldn't stay in one place or in relationships and just “be happy”.
![]() The answer is yes, we all have allies in the non-physical, in the spirit realm, in the Otherworlds, in the Unseen. This is true whether or not I believe or understand it, just as gravity is true whether or not I believe or understand it. I’ve found it is best to accept that there are many things that I as human do not have the capacity to understand. I trust what resonates with my soul - the feeling part, rather than the thinking part. That innate knowing. This applies to all things, including my concept of God, Creator, Great Mystery. It takes practice, but it is possible to gain a deeper concept and remembering of who I am and what this Big Beautiful Life is about! I also have come to understand that I am not alone, nor have I ever been, even in my loneliest and darkest times. Often others share with me their recollection of a childhood encounter with something not human, whether they felt something, saw an apparition in their room, or had a visit in a dream that seemed real. Many times they were told by their adults it wasn’t real, because their adults were maybe told the same thing as a child. Sometimes the stories are shared as pleasant encounters with angels or visits from a beloved, and other times it is a fearful encounter that nightmares are made of. We are many generations removed from teachings on how to connect with our Spirit Allies, and how to ground, shield and protect from that which we do not see. We are actually discouraged from believing, or maybe punished for entertaining such ideas. We may also have forgotten that we have access to Compassionate Helping Spirits that will guide us and support us through this Living Journey, always! We have our Ancestors, Angels, Spirit Guides and Power Animals, oh my, to offer comfort and guidance. My awareness of my Spirit Allies may get disconnected, but the connection cannot be broken. This loving guidance is not conditional. It is always there. It does, however, take deliberate intention and a surrender of resistance to have the awareness of this support and guidance. Here is an exercise to allow you to experience, even just for a moment, your connection to Spirit Allies. It is easy and simple, as this is not something new for you to learn. It is something for you to remember. It does not matter what your beliefs are. If you are in a seated position, place both feet on the floor, relaxed. If you're lying down, uncross your limbs. Allow your arms to relax, either by your side or palms up on your thighs. Allow your eyelids to relax, beginning with small slits that eventually relax to closed. Take a deep breath in through your nose, and exhale out through the mouth. Do this 3 times, and then allow your breath to find its natural rhythm. Imagine your body filling with white light until you feel yourself glowing like a light bulb. You may even feel yourself vibrating. You have raised your vibration. Now repeat out loud 3 times, “Angels and Guides draw near.” Be aware of the sensations in your body, the feeling of your surroundings, any images or symbols that may appear in your mind’s eye, or maybe a scent or sound. Sit in this for a moment. Now repeat 3 times, “Thank you.” Take a deep breath, and when you’re ready open your eyes. It is great to journal about your experience, and practice this as often as you like. You will get better at remembering and experiencing what it feels like to be aware of your connection to a loving and compassionate energy. I would love to hear about your experience! If you are interested in delving more into unlocking your memories and learning to live an authentic Spirit-Led Life with purpose and Divine Guidance, schedule a free call with me. I would be delighted to discuss ways to support you in this exploration. Remember, you are safe. You are Supported. You are so Loved. I love you! Angela Faith ![]() The spiritual practice of Shamanism is an ancient and beautiful practice that will enhance any life, regardless of the outer circumstances. Shamanism is practiced worldwide, and has withstood the test of time, being the oldest spiritual practice known to humankind. There are basic Shamanic principles that apply across the globe, and understanding how to apply them in a modern-day life can empower one to create positive change. We are all intricate parts of a whole, the Web of Life. By improving my own life experience, I improve the experience of All of Life. I am being the change! Think of the inside of a watch. There are gears and springs of different sizes and shapes, but all are required for the watch to function as designed. You, too, are essential to the whole. When you are in alignment with your natural design, happy and joyful, it affects all of creation. Often one can feel blocked, disconnected, or wanting to create change and not know how to do so. This makes creating positive impacts seem daunting and impossible. I am happy to share with you that it can be quite simple! Understanding these 3 principles and implementing these simple practices in your day can spark your innate spiritual guidance and direction, allowing you to feel empowered and supported in creating a life filled with joy, thereby projecting joy into the whole Web of Life! 1. Maintaining your Personal Power Once I have done the work to restore my Personal Power, it becomes my responsibility to maintain this power. This means making my Self and Self care a priority. One place to start is a morning ritual immediately upon awakening, before the feet hit the floor. Our sleep time is our restoration time. It is a time that the body and mind are reset and restored. It is as important as food and water. However, if upon awakening I pick up yesterday's stories with the same thoughts and to-do lists, or I immediately pick up the phone and check notifications, it can feel as if the sleep time was not effective. This sets the tone for the whole day, and affects how I show up for the day. By deliberately and intentionally calling on my Personal Power upon awakening, I am taking a moment to bring awareness to the new day and the new possibilities it holds. I am separating the segments of the previous day, sleep time, and this new beginning. By using your focus in this way, you are interrupting the loop of thought patterns that you may be accustomed to waking up to, changing the whole tone of your day. Most importantly, you are supporting your connection with Universal Intelligence that supports all things, guiding you and supporting you in all your affairs. 2. Connecting with Nature There is a difference between being in nature and being WITH nature. If I pay attention, Mother Nature is always offering me teachings and guidance on any issues I may be facing. Make a commitment to going outdoors at least once a day, even if it’s only on the porch, or taking a moment before getting in your automobile. Take 3 deep breaths, being mindful of the exchange between you and any trees nearby. Notice any Winged Ones that visit, and focus on their characteristics. Take a moment to be aware of what you hear, what you smell, what you feel, and what you see. This doesn't have to be a long visit, but I invite you to take as much time as you can! Walk around the perimeter of your home, and notice things you’ve never noticed before, or notice how they change with each passing day. Do this multiple times a day to restore creativity, energy, and connection, as well as support healing in your physical well-being. For maximum results, remove your shoes, or place the palms of your hands on the earth. 3. End the Day with Thanks Turning off all devices and writing down events of the day that you are thankful for is a nice way to set the tone for a restful and restorative night’s sleep. It again shifts the focus from the day’s worries or challenges, and restores an awareness of the magic that is all around you, and that you are a part of, not apart from! Just being aware of the beauty in your life will amplify more beautiful things around you and within you! Even if you don’t go to sleep immediately after, this is a powerful practice to create momentum of gratitude. Everything changes with gratitude. Applying these simple practices allows you to experience the principle of all things being connected, rather than it just being a concept that you’ve heard or read. When you begin feeling a part of all that is, loving yourself becomes as easy as loving the smell of rain. If you would like to learn more about Shamanism and how it can empower you in creating the life experience you desire, set up a free call with me. I would be delighted to share with you how you can develop a relationship with your Self and Compassionate Spirits, offering you guidance and support in your life journey. And remember, you are safe. You are Supported. You are so Loved. I love you. Angela Faith I can use my focus for positive or negative emotions, and whichever I choose is what I will attract back to myself.
This doesn’t imply that I never have negative emotions. I’m here to experience contrast! Not having contrast would be like standing in the same spot all of my life, never moving. There’s no adventure in that! I do, however, practice an awareness of my emotions, my emissions, and if they are negative, fearful, I begin shifting my focus to something positive, love. This is a process, but with practice it becomes very natural. Being deliberate and intentional with my focus has shifted what I attract in my life, rather than just letting my emotions run on auto-pilot, leaving me feeling powerless over my life experience. Shifting my focus means turning off the unpleasant TV program and reading an enlightening book, or putting on music videos and dancing around the living room. It can be coloring, creating, journaling, cooking, cleaning...you get the point. The ego will say, ”Why are you coloring, the sky is falling?!” And I know that while I’m coloring, I will allow myself to receive direction on how to handle the situation at hand. Change is constant and necessary. Everything in nature is cyclical, including us. Resistance to change, to cycles, is where the struggle is created, rather than in the actual change itself. Learning to recognize and remove your resistance is where your power lies, rather than trying to stop change from happening. Using your Super Power, your focus, deliberately and intentionally you can flow with changes, rather than drown in a sea of fear and uncertainty. Removing resistance is a process to be practiced and repeated when necessary. It’s not a magic fix. I begin by recognizing when resistance to change is present. It manifests as fear, feelings of hopelessness, physical symptoms like upset stomach, anxiety, stress, worry. I acknowledge, “Hey, I’m resisting this change that’s occurring that I’m attributing to this specific event.” That’s it. No judgement of myself. No criticism of myself. Just an awareness and an acknowledgement. I then deliberately and intentionally put my focus on something that I can control. My breath is the first thing. Three deep breaths, in through the nose, out through the mouth. This simple practice gets me grounded and aligned, so now I am in a state to receive direction in this moment of change, rather than feeling powerless. Inspired thought, Direct Divination, Universal Intelligence, God/Goddess, whatever you want to call it...consider it is always accessible to you, but hard to access in a state of resistance or fear. What does it sound like? It is either a thought or direction for the next step, a knowing, or it is comfort and calming, feeling supported as you move through the moment that may be uncomfortable, for it’s no secret, change can certainly get uncomfortable. It is natural for many to hold our breath when we are resisting change. This tells the brain that it is suffocating, and the body goes into panic mode. This can also contribute to anxiety attacks. So I may believe I’m having an anxiety attack because I just got rear-ended and my whole day has changed, but if I take 3 deep breaths I am able to flow with this event without also feeling like I’m suffocating, which exacerbates the whole thing. Yes, I understand it’s hard to take 3 deep breaths when I’m having an anxiety attack. However, I understand that if I practice the 3 deep breaths daily, I will be better at implementing it in more intense situations. When major change is occurring in my life, I’ve learned to lean into and explore, rather than resist and avoid. This is where my power lies. Again, it may be uncomfortable for a period of time, but this, too, shall pass. In this Big Beautiful Life that can get messy at times, remember this: You are safe. You are supported. You are so loved. I love you. Angela Faith |
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