![]() The answer is yes, we all have allies in the non-physical, in the spirit realm, in the Otherworlds, in the Unseen. This is true whether or not I believe or understand it, just as gravity is true whether or not I believe or understand it. I’ve found it is best to accept that there are many things that I as human do not have the capacity to understand. I trust what resonates with my soul - the feeling part, rather than the thinking part. That innate knowing. This applies to all things, including my concept of God, Creator, Great Mystery. It takes practice, but it is possible to gain a deeper concept and remembering of who I am and what this Big Beautiful Life is about! I also have come to understand that I am not alone, nor have I ever been, even in my loneliest and darkest times. Often others share with me their recollection of a childhood encounter with something not human, whether they felt something, saw an apparition in their room, or had a visit in a dream that seemed real. Many times they were told by their adults it wasn’t real, because their adults were maybe told the same thing as a child. Sometimes the stories are shared as pleasant encounters with angels or visits from a beloved, and other times it is a fearful encounter that nightmares are made of. We are many generations removed from teachings on how to connect with our Spirit Allies, and how to ground, shield and protect from that which we do not see. We are actually discouraged from believing, or maybe punished for entertaining such ideas. We may also have forgotten that we have access to Compassionate Helping Spirits that will guide us and support us through this Living Journey, always! We have our Ancestors, Angels, Spirit Guides and Power Animals, oh my, to offer comfort and guidance. My awareness of my Spirit Allies may get disconnected, but the connection cannot be broken. This loving guidance is not conditional. It is always there. It does, however, take deliberate intention and a surrender of resistance to have the awareness of this support and guidance. Here is an exercise to allow you to experience, even just for a moment, your connection to Spirit Allies. It is easy and simple, as this is not something new for you to learn. It is something for you to remember. It does not matter what your beliefs are. If you are in a seated position, place both feet on the floor, relaxed. If you're lying down, uncross your limbs. Allow your arms to relax, either by your side or palms up on your thighs. Allow your eyelids to relax, beginning with small slits that eventually relax to closed. Take a deep breath in through your nose, and exhale out through the mouth. Do this 3 times, and then allow your breath to find its natural rhythm. Imagine your body filling with white light until you feel yourself glowing like a light bulb. You may even feel yourself vibrating. You have raised your vibration. Now repeat out loud 3 times, “Angels and Guides draw near.” Be aware of the sensations in your body, the feeling of your surroundings, any images or symbols that may appear in your mind’s eye, or maybe a scent or sound. Sit in this for a moment. Now repeat 3 times, “Thank you.” Take a deep breath, and when you’re ready open your eyes. It is great to journal about your experience, and practice this as often as you like. You will get better at remembering and experiencing what it feels like to be aware of your connection to a loving and compassionate energy. I would love to hear about your experience! If you are interested in delving more into unlocking your memories and learning to live an authentic Spirit-Led Life with purpose and Divine Guidance, schedule a free call with me. I would be delighted to discuss ways to support you in this exploration. Remember, you are safe. You are Supported. You are so Loved. I love you! Angela Faith
11/4/2022 08:21:47 am
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